Saturday, July 16, 2011

POS display cont.

Some label ideas:
In order to plan my poster, I need an identity that will create awareness and drive consumers to purchase fresh produce. With the 'fresh' identity in place, it can not only be used as point of sale posters, but as stickers on prepackaged fruits and vegetables, tags on bundles of loose vegetables or printed on clear plastic bags for loose salad greens or pre- bagged fruit and vegetables. The brief is to create posters for summer and autumn, so my main focus will be to show fruits that are available during those seasons, but does this need to be taken through to the branding?
I realise that the packaging is secondary to the illustrations for the posters, but I feel it's important to go through the whole process and show that every element has been taken into consideration. Anyway, I'm having lots of fun playing in Photoshop and learning new ways to putting it all together. 
spidergram of seasonal fruits and vegetables

Packaging ideas

tags and label ideas

I quite liked the idea of putting images on the tags, however it means both die cut plus 4 colour printing, so budget should be considered. I started with little watercolour sketches to see how it would look with the images however on reflection, I feel they might be a bit too much. I quite like the simplicity of the small plain wrap tag in the bottom picture which could be used like a logo. 
The typeface on the small green and yellow label is much clearer and could be scaled up or down to size, the band changing colour perhaps for different products.
watercolour sketch for autumn 
watercolour sketch for summe

for tags,stickers or printed on plastic

A second version with alternate typeface and some simple tags
Another label: 
I can't help it, I did one more label which I prefer as adding textures and brighter colour adds zing to it, and makes it really stand out.  It's simple and would work any time of the year as a marker for 'fresh' produce.
The oval with Garden Fresh would stand alone as a logo, the 'winner' strip as a subtle sign of quality and 'best of product' line, while the band strip is an optional element which could be used as a paper wrap around prepackaged cartons or trays, or as a design element across the top of packaging ie: printed plastic bags.
After years in the graphic design business, albeit on the management side, I understand about the structure of a pack/branding and its multiple purposes which are:
To create shelf standout and sell the product
To protect and prolong the life of the product
To reassure customers that it's part of a familiar range - fresh, and do more than simply look pretty as it has to stand out on a crowded supermarket shelf. I think this works. 
without texture on oval
Possibly a stronger font face

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